Powered by Breath

As I sit here typing away on my laptop, I notice what's happening; my thoughts and emotions are exporting from one realm into another, from my heart and spirit, through a portal (my laptop) and onto the screen. But my laptop is more than just a piece of technology; it can serve as a metaphor for a human being, consisting of three essential components: hardware, software, and power. 

The hardware comprises the physical elements you can see and touch – like the screen, keyboard, and all the components inside. The software acts as its brain, housing the instructions that enable it to function and adapt to new tasks. And then there's the power source, which can be likened to the battery or power cable that keeps it running smoothly.

Now, think about humans. We're like laptops in this analogy. Our bodies are the hardware, the physical part of us. Our souls are like the software, guiding and making us who we are. And our spirit is the power source, the mysterious "God-stuff" that keeps us alive.

What's fascinating is that while laptops must be plugged in to stay powered, humans have an internal energy source. It's like a divine plug that connects us to something greater than ourselves.

The Bible says that when God created the first human, Adam, He breathed life into him. That breath (ruach) was like plugging Adam into the ultimate source of energy – God Himself. It made Adam not just exist but deeply connected to God's power and purpose.

Some people say that life is in our blood, and in a way, that's true. Our blood carries our genetic code, like the software that runs our bodies. The entire body needs its software, and our heart pumps blood like a software maintenance tool.

But life itself, that consciousness and awareness we have, is something beyond hardware or software. It's a mystery that science can't explain. Consciousness is not the vine, it's just a branch connected to a much more excellent source.

That source is Christ, who has given us the incredible gifts of life, power, and a deep connection through His divine breath.

Imagine having a Wi-Fi signal that connected your device to the internet and recharged it at the same time! This is what the breath of God does. His breath is the source of revelation, wisdom, and how we grow in our character through the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

You are intricately connected, unified with Christ, constantly powered by His ruach, and empowered to assimilate His Kingdom realities into the world. 

Be reminded today of his beauty and faithfulness through this beautiful and holy connection with your Father of Lights.