Is it a sin for a Christian to use crystals?

The Enchanted Church Part 4

Christians and Crystals

Christians are using crystals as objects of power, believed to be created by God, to promote divine health and ward off demonic influence.

After some recent discoveries, I've realized that I've led a more sheltered life than I had thought. I've come to understand that some Christians are now integrating crystals into their spiritual practices, citing their supposed inherent supernatural properties. I have also learned of several "Christian" ministries encouraging Christians to keep an open mind and embrace crystals as objects with highly energetic patterns that God created them to have. The most common argument these pseudo-ministers use is, "When sick, you can reach out for your pharma, or you can grab a crystal that God created." One Christian I found on a Christian Crystal chat forum wrote: 

"So I asked God for reassurance that those rows of crystals are okay on my altar, and as I looked each one up and placed it down randomly, it made the shape of a heart."

The claims are that God created crystals to possess energies and frequencies and that some crystals even have the power to repel demonic spirits. Additionally, I've learned that many modern-day believers in the supernatural camp are unfamiliar with the term "new age" and do not object to incorporating occultic elements into their faith.

"Houston, we have a problem!"

Bothered by these discoveries, I discussed my concerns with a pastor I greatly respect in my area. He informed me that my observations are not uncommon and that our culture has changed. He cited a theologian and sociologist who claimed that American culture has shifted from secular humanism, which denies the supernatural and God, to a new era of acceptance of the supernatural and magic, thanks in part to influencers like Tim Ferris and Joe Rogan, who promote the use of hallucinogenics, as well as the media's integration of witchcraft and occult practices. This cultural shift has brought about a new era called "enchanted." Unfortunately, many believers within the greater church have found themselves bewitched by the unique philosophies of this modern era, resulting in, as Paul refers to in Ephesians 4:14, "infants being tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming."


Millennial Crystal Revival

Crystal evangelists like Kylie Jenner, Katy Perry, and Miranda Kerr have recently made magical crystals a trendy part of pop culture. According to a report by Springtide Research Institute titled "State of Religion & Young People 2022," 44% of young people between the ages of 13 and 25 engage with crystals as a spiritual practice, with 21% doing so on a weekly basis. This underscores the reality that young people are finding alternative sources of religion and spirituality in this new enchanted era.

While crystals are currently trending and experiencing a resurgence in popularity, they are not a new obsession and have been believed to possess mystical powers for centuries. However, it is important to consider whether it is acceptable for a Christian to engage in crystals to harness energy for healing and power.

The Crystal Cathedral

Crystals are mentioned in the Bible. God himself created these beautiful, sparkly objects, and they are mentioned in Revelations 21:11, 18-20. This passage describes the New Eden, the New Jerusalem, coming out of the sky and upon the Earth, with portions of this Heavenly city constructed out of crystal.


The Bible also mentions crystals of all kinds, including rubies, sapphires, and topaz, and you will remember the Levitical high priest's breastplate was adorned with twelve engraved stones representing each tribe of Israel. The gems included carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, turquoise, lapis lazuli, emerald, jacinth, agate, amethyst, topaz, onyx, and jasper. The settings were made of 24-karat gold!!


Additionally, the Bible provides descriptions of crystal-clear stuff, such as the river flowing from the heavenly throne and "a sea of glass, clear as crystal" before the throne. However, the Bible does not attribute any mystical properties to crystals, nor does it suggest in any way that they should be used to access divine powers.


Trust "the science"

What about the science of crystal energy? 

The multimillion-dollar crystal industry is based on the claim that crystals possess intrinsic healing abilities and can act as healing wands to channel energy. Those who practice crystal healing derive this idea mainly from the "feelings" they experience when crystals are used on them, which they describe as a vibrating, energetic pulse emanating from the crystal outward. 

Despite an entire pseudo-science being built around the mechanisms of crystal healing, with programs, classes, and books being sold to promote crystal healing, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims. 

One New Age book describes the process as follows: 

"Two things occur when we bring the crystal into our electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic frequencies carried by the stone will vibrate with related frequencies in our energy field through the physical law of resonance, creating a third larger vibration field. The nervous system is attuned to these shifts in energy and transmits this information to the brain. Here the frequencies stimulate biochemical shifts that affect the physical body and shift brain function."

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

A study by psychologist Dr. Christopher French and colleagues from the University of London aimed to determine the legitimacy of crystal healing. The study involved eighty participants who were asked to complete a questionnaire indicating their openness to the supernatural. They were then asked to meditate with a crystal in their hand, with some of the crystals being real and others being fake. Before meditating, participants were asked to observe any tingling or energy sensations in their hands while holding the crystal.

After meditating, participants answered another questionnaire in which they recorded any effects they felt from holding the crystal. The results showed that those with genuine crystals did not experience more significant effects than those with fake ones. There was no difference in the reactions generated by the two types of crystal, suggesting that what participants felt in their hand was either the general atomic energy of the object or was generated entirely in the subject's mind.

Furthermore, the study found that those who were more open to supernatural phenomena experienced more sensations in their hand, as did those primed and encouraged more by the person conducting the study. These findings indicate that the effects of crystal healing may be primarily psychological rather than physical. 

Dr. French, who conducted the study on crystal healing, noted that many people claimed to feel odd sensations like tingling, heat, and vibrations while holding crystals, but only if they had been told in advance that this might happen. He concluded that the effects reported resulted from the power of suggestion rather than the power of the crystals.

According to Dr. French, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of crystal healing beyond the placebo effect. He believes the placebo effect is the appropriate standard to judge any treatment. Whether or not one considers crystal healing, or any other form of complementary and alternative medicine, to be entirely ineffective depends on their attitude towards the placebo effect.

What does the Bible say about engaging crystals for their divine benefits?

The use of crystals for divination, including healing, protection from negative energy and spirits, and connecting with the divine for guidance and wisdom, goes against the biblical teachings of divination. 

In Deuteronomy 18:9-13, believers are warned not to imitate the detestable ways of the nations, including the practice of divination or sorcery, interpreting omens, engaging in witchcraft, casting spells, being a medium or spiritist, or consulting the dead. It actually says that anyone who engages in these practices is detestable to the Lord.


Despite this, millennial witches are encouraging "crystal divination" as a vehicle for divine guidance. They explain that divination allows communication with and advice from the divine, and crystals have played a significant role in many divinatory techniques throughout history.

Here is a modern-day millennial witch talking about the benefits of crystal divination:

“Humans have been practicing the art of divination for thousands of years. Practicing the art of divination allows you to communicate with and to receive guidance from the divine. Be it from your guides, angels, animal archetypes, ancestors, or some other higher power, these insights often actually come from within the self. Divinatory tools are just means by which you are able to access this inner knowledge.

From the Ancient Egyptians, to the Elizabethans, and even modern psychics, crystals have played an enormous role in many divinatory techniques. There are several divination methods in which you can utilize the power of crystals for guidance. Crystallomancy, Lithomancy, and Dowsing are just a few of these powerful divinatory methods.”

Crystals and Demonic Possession

In straightforward terms, using crystals for spiritual purposes can lead to possession by evil spirits. Even the Catholic Church condemns the spiritual use of crystals, as they are often used in divination, which opens the door to demonic possession. A deliverance testimony from recounts a woman who became sick after being given crystals by a well-intentioned Christian friend. After bringing the crystals to her priest and having them blessed and disposed of, the woman immediately felt better.

Many believe they are doing good by practicing occult activities such as using healing crystals or engaging in white magic. However, these practices do not involve God, and may invoke and open the soul to evil powers. The Catholic Church warns against these practices, as they can lead to demonic possession, regardless of one's intentions.


Many crystals available on the market are pre-cursed, as sellers often perform rituals before selling. This practice, known as "charging" the stones, is commonly used in the crystal industry.

Can’t Christians Redeem Crystals?



As believers, our role is not to redeem occultic practices or objects. Instead, our part is to redeem people by leading them to Jesus.


Don’t waste your time trying to cleanse a rock or an Ouija board. 

Trust me; God has no interest in redeeming practices or objects associated with the occult. 


While it may be tempting to think we can cleanse crystals with the blood of Jesus, break off curses, and charge them up with the Holy Spirit, this is not a biblical practice. Sure, handkerchiefs were used in Acts 19:12 as a point of contact for healing, but they were not associated with divination or occult practices.



Darren, you are just being religious and controlling.

Some people have accused me of being religious and controlling due to my stance against integrating the occult into Christianity. However, I want to clarify that I have never been accused of being controlling by anyone who knows me, and I find that accusation amusing. At Seattle Revival Center, where I pastor, we have a standard that our pastors and ministry team do not incorporate new age or occultic objects into their personal lives. We believe that spiritual mixture is toxic and that idolatry opens the door to devils.


I have witnessed numerous miraculous healings, including cancers disappearing, people coming out of comas, blind eyes opening, deaf ears opening, and cripples getting out of wheelchairs. None of these healings required the use of a crystal.


If you are finding relief for your psyche or physical condition through the use of precious stones, I urge you to examine the root cause of your condition. If you surrender your stones to Jesus, I believe He will show up and do for you what no rock ever could. 

For those who may have opened themselves up to demonic oppression or possession, our ministry team is available to help. We encourage you to close the door to the enemy, get rid of anything you have looked to for salvation that is not Jesus, and call on His name. If we can assist you in any way, please get in touch with us at the email below.


When faced with spiritual decisions, turn to your Bible or seek guidance from a trusted pastor rather than taking advice from celebrities like Kylie Jenner. Join Team Jesus, and let Him be your source of strength and healing.



With over fourteen years of pastoral experience, Darren Stott is committed to fulfilling the great commission by sharing the supernatural gospel of Jesus Christ through casting out demons, healing the sick, and igniting joy in the body of Christ. To join this series, visit For any questions, comments, or ministry requests, please contact Darren's team at